Online Food Delivery Habits in Indonesia

3 mins read

With the ongoing pandemic, online food delivery service is one of the most used digital services in Indonesia. We did a quick survey to understand people’s habits when it comes to ordering food online, especially through GoFood. Our respondents are aged between 18–34 year-old, mostly high school and university students as well as employees, and GoFood users.

Right from the start, we learn that 45.5% respondents order food through GoFood twice or three times a week with spending around IDR 25.000 – 50.000 in one order. This shows that using food delivery service has pretty much become way of life for most of us.

Promotion is the biggest deciding factor in choosing food to order

31.8% said that they choose restaurants and menu that are on promotions. It is important to note that most online food delivery service set a minimum order for the customers before they can enjoy the discounts. Through our research, we learned that 77.3% will order more food to reach the minimum order to get the discounts. This shows that promotions on online food delivery service is a deciding factor for the customers in making their order. Their choice of promotions? Price discount – according to 81.8% of our respondents.

Do people buy drinks when they order food to eat at home?

When we eat outside, we tend to order beverages alongside our food. However, do people do the same when they order food to eat at home?

Only 36.4% of our respondents said that they order beverages to go with their food while the rest said they do not order any drinks for their GoFood order. The majority said that they do not order drinks because they already have them at home.

Meanwhile 62.5% of those who said that they order drinks alongside their food chose tea as their choice of beverages, followed by juice.

This shows that most people who order food online choose not to buy drinks to go with their food.

People have gone fully digital when it comes to online food delivery service

If you are familiar with online food delivery services, you would know that many of these services also come with e-wallet. To increase their e-wallet users, most online food delivery services have tie-in promotion where they can get more discount or free delivery fee by paying using their e-wallet. Seems like this strategy worked.

63.6% of our respondents choose to pay for their online delivery service using Go-Pay, Gojek’s e-wallet service. Not only for the discounts but paying directly using their e-wallet service also prove to be convenient for all the customers. It is safe to say that people have chosen to go fully digital when it comes to online food delivery service.

Where do we go from here?

For beverages brands, there is an opportunity for you to tap into when it comes to attracting the customers to purchase your beverages alongside their favourite food. Discount and bundling promo might be the way to go to entice them. Especially with the ongoing pandemic, working together with online food delivery services or their merchants can help you to get your drinks out there.

With restrictions come and go, it does not seem like the online food delivery service will slow down anytime soon. With how integrated our food delivery service applications nowadays, it has provided convenience for us to enjoy food at the comfort of our own home, all at the tip of our finger.