How Do You Like Your Tea? An Insight into Indonesian Tea Consumption

2 mins read

Tea has long been the choice of beverages for many Indonesian. It is one of the most famous beverages that we will always find no matter where we are. To learn more about Indonesian tea consumption, we did a survey with the majority of our respondents as 18-23 year old, university students and private company employees, and often consume tea.

Indonesians drink tea anytime and anywhere

37.9% from our respondents consume tea in the afternoon and at night and 24.1% of them enjoy and consume tea every day. Interestingly, 65% of the respondents often enjoy tea by themselves.

31.1% of the respondents agree that they usually consume tea during their meal. Meanwhile more than half of the respondents agree that they also often consume snacks while drinking tea.

When eating outside or in restaurants, 82.2% of the respondents choose to drink tea with the main reason being it is usually the cheapest option. Another reason? Drinking tea during meals has become a habit for most of them.

How do Indonesians like their tea?

Black tea seems to be the most popular with more than half of our respondents choosing it as their tea of choice. Meanwhile, 58.6% of the respondents prefer less sweet tea and 62.1% enjoy iced tea more than hot tea.For practical reasons, 55.2% choose teabag as the type of tea they consume the most.

In terms of shopping behaviour, 41.4% of our respondents say that they often buy tea from small shops. 51.7% said that a buy 1 get 1 promotion is often what drives them to buy.

We also try to see what is the top-of-mind brand for tea bags and bottled tea amongst Indonesians. 51.7% choose Sariwangi as the first brand they remember when it comes to tea bags. Meanwhile, Teh Botol comes first in the bottled tea category with 41.4% of our respondents choosing it.


In conclusion, we can see that Indonesians really enjoy their tea. Meal time is their chosen time to enjoy their tea with more than half of our respondents agreeing that drinking tea during meal time has become a habit and lifestyle. We can also safely say that Indonesians do not discriminate when it comes to the type of tea they drink. Tea bags and bottled tea enjoy popularity in the country and people consume these drinks almost every day. We think it is safe to say that Indonesians drink tea anytime and anywhere.