Do we still give baby gifts to parents and newborn?

3 mins read

When we hear people we know are expecting, our first reactions are often to congratulate them and then think of items to give them as a gift – be it during the baby shower or the birth of the baby. However, do we still do the tradition of gift-giving for parents and newborns?

We did a survey in which our respondents mostly consist of 25-30 year old, private company employees, and have bought gifts for parents and newborns. 

Indonesians still believe that baby gifts are necessary

Based on our research, 93.8% of our respondents believe baby gifts for parents and newborns are still necessary – especially during their special days. Although most of them (91.7%) admitted that they usually give baby gifts for parents during the baby’s early newborn days.

How do we decide which product to get?

93.3% of our respondents said that one of the deciding factors is the function and benefits of the products. They prefer items that are functional and beneficial for the long run. Even better if those are items that can be used for a couple of years.

A small percentage of the respondents agreed that they often have to rely on their friends’ and families’ recommendations when deciding what to gift parents and newborns. 68.8% chose baby clothes as their choice of gifts as they feel that it is the safest option to give parents – something that they know the baby will wear. 

In terms of shopping for the product, 50% of the respondents usually spend between IDR 100.000 and IDR 250.000 on baby gifts. Amongst Indonesians, the top three brands that are often chosen as baby gifts are Zwitsal, Cussons, and Pigeon.

They choose to buy the gifts from e-commerce as there are bigger chances of getting more promotions or discounts. 60.4% choose discounts as the most interesting promotions. Furthermore, 35.4% of the respondents also said that shipping services is another deciding factor. 


43.8% of the respondents also say that they would prefer it more if the gift boxes can be used for other purposes and are made of reusable materials.


Based on our research, we can conclude that baby gifting is still a thing in Indonesia and people put a lot of thought into what to give for parents and newborns. They want to make sure that the gifts are useful and beneficial for a long run. In terms of shopping for the gifts, the majority of our respondents have gone digital and choose to buy directly from e-commerce – with shipping services and promotions as deciding factors. Furthermore, customer nowadays love gift boxes that can be re-used for other purposes and made of reusable materials to minimize waste.